Hello dear readers!
I'm posting a quick look I did while deciding what makeup to
use for a Cleopatra themed silent movie costume. I took my inspiration from the Elizabeth
Taylor Cleopatra look. I remember watching Cleopatra when I was a little and
being so mesmerised by Elizabeth’s costumes, I tried to imitate
what she wore with anything I could find around my house, sticking those
nail jewels on my forehead and braiding my hair with those hair Barbie hair
braid kits that we all had in the 90′s! – fun times!
I’ve been noticing a
lot of Egyptian influences in fashion lately and it’s inspired me big time in
makeup. From Elizabeth Taylor in Cleopatra, to McQueen’s 07/08 collection to Gwyneth
Paltrow’s dress at the Oscars…
In honor of
the late Elizabeth Taylor, I would like to dedicate today's post to one of her
most iconic looks. Elizabeth Taylor was one of the last great movie
stars, who enthralled audiences with her fierce passion, both on and off
Elizabeth Taylor - February 27, 1932- March 23,
2011. Gone but not forgotten. She leaves a legacy as an extraordinaire acting
talent, beauty icon, business woman, a champion for Aids awareness including
research and plans for a vaccine/cure. She was known for so much more.
Also known
for her striking violet eyes makeup and the camera was obliviously her friend.
has gone down in history as one of the most beautiful women that has ever
lived. The queen of the Nile's ornate eye makeup made her a legend.
The Egyptians
wore make-up before 4,000 B. C.
Eye makeup
was the main form, and it was used daily. There were other types of makeup for
the lips, cheeks and skin, but those were usually used only on occasion and not
by everyone. The Ancient Egyptians, both men and women, wore distinct eye
make-up, rouge and perfumed oils that softened the skin and prevented burning
in the sun and damage from the sandy winds. The favourite eye make-up colours
were black and green. The powders used to create the eye make-up were ground on
a palette then mixed with water to form a paste.
Eye make-up
provided psychic protection as well. The Egyptian word for eye-palette seems to
derive from their word for “protect.”
For me, the epitome of the Cleopatra makeup look comes from Elizabeth Taylor and her portrayal of Cleopatra in film. A lot of people only have one idea of what her Cleopatra makeup looked like, but as a watch the film, you’ll note that there are many variations. Of course, the main highlight of the Cleopatra makeup is all about the eyes, and the photo above is probably the most popular look. However, if you want a different look, watch the film or look at photos from the film. As you will see, although thick black liner continues throughout the whole film, the shade of the color on the eyes varies (blue or green, as I said), as well as the shapes of the liner (including the outer corner of the eyes).
You can create your own version. Be creative!
So, here is my version of this wonderful look.
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My version of Cleopatra makeup |
Skin: Believe it or not, whatever your skin tone, we all have yellow undertones, and Cleopatra’s makeup consisted of a bronzed complexion with a yellow base. Bronzer was used to highlight and contour, along with a pressed powder applied along the sides of the nose and the chin to warm up the features.
Brows: As you can see, Liz’s eyebrows are black and squared off, outlined with an eyeliner pencil to create the angular lines. For the complete Cleopatra brow, a black kohl liner was used to fill in the brows with short brush strokes.
Eyeshadow: In
ancient Egyptian times, eye makeup was typically terracotta or dark green kohl,
as opposed to Elizabeth’s eye-catching aqua shadow. Aqua shadow was applied all over the lid and
blended, then along the lower lash line.
Lashes: For
maximum impact, mascara can also be used to exaggerate the eye makeup, as well
as false lashes, either individual or strips.
Traditionally it was said the Egyptians extracted red pigment from carmine
beetles and ants eggs to achieve colour on the lips, but taupe was also used.
To get the look, lips were outlined with pencil and then coloured in, with a
touch of lipstick on top to finish.
Have you ever tried Cleopatra
makeup – for a costume party or a night out?
Let me know.
Hope you enjoyed.
Wish you a lovely day!
All the best,
Idda van Munster
This is amazing! x
OdgovoriIzbrišiThank you so much dear Bright Young Twins!
IzbrišiLove you!
Odlicno odradjena kozmetika.
OdgovoriIzbrišiKao prava Kleopatra.
Bila sam zaludjena njenom frizurom kao djevojcica :)
predivno ti je ispalo :O svaka čast. posebno mi se sviđa boja ruža i rumenila.
OdgovoriIzbrišiObožavam peach rumenilo i ruž!
IzbrišiMakeup odlicno izgleda. Svaka cast. Nazalost, nikad nisam imala niti dovoljno strpljenja niti strucnosti da uradim nesto slicno.
OdgovoriIzbrišiWow, you did an incredible job! Liz is so gorgeous. As are you!
Mabel Time
Wow, mislim WOW. Svaka čast, stvarno si je uspjela "skinuti", samo što su u tebe oči svjetlije i tvoja koža ljepša.
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala ti od srca! Drago mi je da ti se sviđa.
IzbrišiGorgeous! I love it, you look as divine as she did, and she looked HOT! ;) Love it darling! So much fun to do too! :) x
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh thanks darling! xx
IzbrišiSjajno izgleda, tako se i ja cesto igram sminkajuci se kao neke divne dame :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiHvala Dragana! Ovo sam radila šminku za snimanje nijemih filmova u Banja Vrućici - bilo je više tema, ali mi se Cleopatra najviše dopala, pa sam probala na sebi i odlučila da objavim sliku. Slijedeći put kad se budeš i ti našminkala zabilježi pa podijeli sa nama.
OdgovoriIzbrišiYou look divine! you did such a wonderful version of good ol' liz x
OdgovoriIzbrišii totally agree this look is so ironic. fair dues to u for trying it and u did amazing job it's perfect..u look utterly stunning and really got it right. iv often tried some of lizs make up from photos but never this look. i have lots of books on her and have tried from them i love the way she did her eyes smoky and often lips quite neutral..she was a great star. u look so beautiful kisses from Dublin xx leonie.
OdgovoriIzbrišiAida, oduševljavaš kao i svaki put do sada, a tvoja moć transformacije je wow.. svaki put pregledam slike i ono više mi normalno da se vratim još jednom i još jednom.. :) a mislim da smo svi bili oduševljeni Kleopatrom kao mali..
You're looking marvellous. Really great. The blue of your eyeshadow is exactly the same blue as your eyes. Have a nice Sunday!
OdgovoriIzbrišiBas lijepo izgledas kao Cleopatra . =D
OdgovoriIzbriši:0 wow ti si jedna ljepotica *_*
OdgovoriIzbrišija sam lubjav twoje slike.. ti si ljepse od megan fox
i ja volim tvoju stil/style. ja sam ot germany i ne mogu dobro da prijam.
moja mama isto od bosna i ja sam roden u hrvatskoj :>
sada sam jedna clanovi
ja imam jednu pitanje..
kako ti radic tvoje obrva?
Danke dir meine Süße! Du bist auch Bild Hübsch!!!
IzbrišiIch kann sehr gut Deutsch, lebte viele viele Jahre in Frankfurt am Main.
Meine Augenbrauen mache ich mir selbst. Sind die Augenbrauen etwas dunkler als die Haare, wirkt das am natürlichsten. Zum Auffüllen von Löchern im Brauenbogen und zum Nachzeichnen sind Augenbrauenstifte ideal. Stift in strichelnden Bewegungen und in Wuchsrichtung über die Braue ziehen. Nie harte Linien zeichnen!
Probier mal mit Rimmel Augenbrauen Stift (farbe: Braun Natur).
Der ist zum Anspitzen und hat auch ein kleines Bürstchen am Deckel.
Der ist wirklich toll und steht den Teuren in nichts nach.
Zum Fixieren nehme ich immer noch Mr. Eyebrow von Givenchy.
Also, hoffe ich hab dir geholfen.
Schrieb mir.
Ich gucke mal dein blog jetzt an.
Ganz Liebe Grüße aus Bosnien,
das ist ja super :> frankfurt ist so schön ich lebe in köln.
Izbrišiden muss ich dann mal in der stadt suchen :>
ich mal meine augenbrauen immer sehr stark nach und muss sie auch färben die sind viel zu hell...
dankeschön für deine antwort un für deine kommentare.. <3
aber deine augenbrauen sidn viel viel viel schöner als meine :>
Ha super Taja, wir chatten jetzt!
OMG, You look just like her! You're so beautiful!
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