Dear readers,
Along with our lives, we know that our appearance
is one of the most important things in our life.
I have a history
of pretty bad acne problems. My mom's side of the family had it bad. A really bad
acne I cured in no more than 6 months. My acne started when I was about 16
years old. I had pimples all over my face and it was an extremely unpleasant experience.
I had tried almost everything.... with no
results. Everybody who experienced serious acne knows what I mean. I went to the
dermatologist dr. Tanja Knor and she prescribed me Differin Gel at night, Beznaknen
5% (wash your face wait about 3 minutes), Skinoren cream and Triacneal Avene. This
face wash with Benzaknen 5% makes my skin so clear and radiant, and feels so so
smooth. After my first treatment I literally was glowing my skin
was so clear, evened, I just had a glow! But that's not all...
I felt a burning sensation on my skin. I put water on it so it would
stop burning. After an hour or so, I noticed that my skin looked red and
Many acne medicine that contains benzoyl peroxide may sting or burn your skin if the medicine is too strong, but that's good - it is important to clean the skin correctly.
Popping and picking at spots also really kept me stuck in an acne cycle,
so don't do it! I always picked and popped my pimples because I thought
that even if it left a red spot, at least it would be flat and easy to
cover up with makeup. Better than a weird looking bump right? And if I
squeeze the junk out, it'd help the pimple heal faster right? Wrong and
![]() |
My skin today |
far I have an excellent experience. I have tried many products before with no
success, but these products are really the best. I liked
how it made my skin feel soft and it cleared my
acne forever and also to reduce the signs of aging.
since my acne dissapeared, I’ve relegated the usage of Triacneal from nightly
to every alternate night, as a form of maintenance.
There is nothing that is more devastating to our
confidence than a bad skin problem. We don’t feel like ourselves, we just want
to crawl into a hole and die.
People with clear skin have better social skills, are overall happier
people, and are just more well liked than those of us with bad complexions.
It’s not fair. I know. But, it’s the sad truth. Have you ever seen anyone on
television with a horrible complexion? I don’t think so. People have always and
will always gravitate towards the beautiful people of this world.
We all deserve to get up in the morning and look in the mirror and
absolutely love what we see, if we don’t this will wear on us day after day.
And this is possible for all of us.
There are many products available for the treatment of acne.
Now that I am an adult I still get breakouts during that
special time of the month.
The best thing you can do for acne is change your
lifestyle: eat a non-inflammatory diet (plenty of fish and fresh veggies,
little or no refined sugar or starch, whole grains in moderation) and do
gentle, regular exercise like yoga. Drink lots of pure water (and Green Tea) and sleep very
well. Reduce stress as much as possible. Acne is your body telling you its
needs are not being met.
It is important to clean the skin correctly!!!
Removing makeup each night is important to keep skin clean. Even if
makeup fades throughout the day, it still clogs pores, attracts dirt and
causes breakouts if not completely washed off before you go to sleep.
If you use water-based cosmetics and have normal skin, you could use the
same gentle facial cleanser you use in your morning and evening
routines to remove foundation makeup. Oil-based foundation needs to be
removed with a product made specifically to remove makeup, especially if
you have dry or combination skin.
![]() |
My skin with Avene foundation |
What I'm using today for my skin?
I just love the scrub – its a staple for my
highly reactive pale skin. It never feels harsh or abrasive and my skin looks
so clear after. I am a huge fan of the Avene range.
![]() |
My skincare - Avène products |
This is how I cleared my acne, but if you did it a different way, I
would love to hear your story! As hopeless as I felt when my skin was
really bad, do not give up. If my skin got better, so can yours.
All my love,
Idda van Munster
uz sve tvoje prijašnje probleme s kožom, sada ti lice izgleda kao bebino :)
OdgovoriIzbrišija ne koristim nikakva sredstva za lice, osim hidratantne sreću, nemam nikakvih problema s licem :)
IzbrišiThanks for sharing good information.
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Unfortunately, I understand you.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI use only Skinoren, it partly helps me.
I ja sam koristila Skinoren, a danas isto kad su mi kriticni dani u mjesecu koristim Triacnel. Moj problem je u tome sto mi je koza jako svjetla i osjetljiva, pa mi se lice jako zacrveni na vrucini i hladnoci. A Avene preparate obozavam :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiNa srecu, nikad nisam imala problem sa bubuljicama :) Ja se na dnevnoj bazi borim sa suvom kozom, a u letnjem periodu sa pigmentacijskim flekama :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiLice ti je prekrasno i svaka cast na upornosti.
OdgovoriIzbrišiYour skin is so beautiful!! It doesn't look like you ever had a problem with it!
OdgovoriIzbrišiI used to have problem skin too - pimples but also a lot of congestion & oiliness - blackheads etc.
The biggest things that changed it completely was using Aesop products & switching to a birth control pill also designed for clearing up skin.
The Aesop is really good because surprisingly, having oily skin doesn't mean you should avoid oily products. It matters what KIND of oil though! Aesop makes my face radiant and I have less shine problems throughout the day because my skin is not deprived of the oil it needs.
The pill also helped with all the congestion and the breakouts of angry pimples I used to have. I don't have those at all anymore. Maybe one spot every 4 months which is really good. That I can deal with!
But the thing is, everyone's skin is different & so many people gave me recommendations - and u still have to find out what actually works by trial and error! It's so hard and expensive but such a relief when you find the solution!
I'm glad u found your solution & u can be fully confident now - it really makes such an impact on your self confidence!! :-)
Ne mogu vjerovati da si ti nekad imala problema s kožom, savršena ti je.
OdgovoriIzbrišiNemam velikih problema s kožom, ali uvijek je mogu poboljšati. Probat ću nešto od ovoga.
Hy Ida:-)
OdgovoriIzbrišiI ja trenutno koristim benzaknen, i polako lice pocinje da se cisti.
Interesuje me nakon sto si zavrsila tu terapiju,da li i danas svako vece koristis benzaknen, a ako ne, sta koristis ?
Nisam dobro shvatila iz teksta:-)
Koza ti je super, veliki poz:-)
Zdravo Dzana, hvala ti puno!
IzbrišiJa sam se liječila 6 mjeseci (3 specifične terapije po 2 mjeseca), a Benzaknen 5% suspenziju sam koristila samo u prva dva mjeseca terapije. Jako je napadan, zbog benzoil-peroxida u sebi, isušuje i gori kožu (3 minute držiš na licu i ispereš vodom). Bitna ti je i hidratacija kože u tom periodu dok njega koristiš (meni je recimo doktorica propisala Avene Hydrance Legere).
Nakon što sam završila sa Benzaknenom, nikada ga poslije više nisam koristila (i ne smiješ ga baš tako dugo koristiti - nije preporučljivo baš kao i Skinoren).
Napisala sam u tekstu da trenutno ukoliko se pojavi ponekad nešto - nanesem na problematično područje tanak sloj Triacneal od Avene.
To je sve!
SRETNO i samo budi UPORNA i izdrži sve iritacije - jer one su dobar znak prolaznosti!
Veliki pozdrav,
Hvala ti puno na ovom odgovoru. Osim sto si prekrasna,zvucis mi bas kao topla osoba:-)
IzbrišiHvala od srca!
IzbrišiSve najbolje i voljela bih čuti tvoje utiske nakon što završiš terapiju.
Piši mi
Hvala svima! Upornost, disciplina i volja...
OdgovoriIzbrišiAh :( Those chemical imbalances in our bodies. They cause us so much emotional grief and then some more manifesting through the pores of our skins. People with harmoniuos chemical processes in their bodies are truly blessed.
OdgovoriIzbrišiOh well.....Carpe diem!
Your skin is perfect! Andy you and your blog are amazing! Greetings from Poland :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiIf you "cured" it within 6 months it wasn't serious and real acne, simple as that. Ask anyone with real acne issues.
OdgovoriIzbrišiskin...perfect, give me your skiiin! :) and beautiful eyebrow :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiDraga Aida, što koristiš za usne? I koju kremu za lice koristiš, i dalje Hydrance legere ili neku drugu? Što stavljaš na okoloočno područje? Puno ti hvala unaprijed na odgovoru :)
OdgovoriIzbrišiAko postoji savrsenstvo, onda je to tvoja koza...
OdgovoriIzbrišiGodinama sam imala problema sa aknama, tacnije cistama po licu, upotrebavljala sve i svasta... prozivljavaa sve i svasta...
Na kraju sam se domogla Proactiva i tretmana u bolnici (gdje te copkaju, cijede i na kraju sprze elektroforezom) i situacija se smirila... nemam akni ali imam izrazene pore... akne su mi se sada "preselile" na ledja...
meni nema pobjeci od njih... :(
Do you know if you can get the Beznaknen 5% face wash in the UK? Your skin looks perfect!
Hi! Maybe you've already explained it, but not in English, how exactly did you use all the products to treat your skin, did you apply several creams in the evening (Differin Gel at night, Beznaknen 5%, Skinoren cream and Triacneal Avene) ?
Cheers from Belgium!
I can relate to your story, Aida. I also had a really bad acne condition before. But with the help of my dermatologist and skin care products, my acne proble totally faded away. One thing I learned is to ask the help of your dermatologist to know and understand your skin condition, and what kind of treatment it needs. Some people overlooked this simple method because they mostly rely on over-the-counter products without even asking a skin care expert. Anyway, I love how fair your skin is all over! You’re so beautiful! -Terry Bayer
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OdgovoriIzbrišiOMG! I really envy your skin... I can see that you have a very fair and smooth type of skin. Haven't tested the Avene products but I think I have to give it a try. It seems this best acne products on the market will hit any time. Let see how it goes on my part. :)
OdgovoriIzbrišikoje pudere koristis jos osim ovog od avene?
OdgovoriIzbrišiAutor je uklonio komentar.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI started using Avene lotion-toner a week ago. Next week I am planning to get Triacneal Avene. I know it's gonna take time, but I hope that soon I'll have a perfect skin!
OdgovoriIzbrišiYes I am sure you will! If you'd like you can check out my review on Triacneal here
IzbrišiI would be looking forward to any questions or comments that you might have :)
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Pimples are skin problems faced by almost everyone. It is one of the major embarrassments
OdgovoriIzbrišiin social parties, colleges, offices or in many other social gatherings. Pimples can occur
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